6/365 Horse and Sunset

Well – I was hard at work this afternoon and noticed what started out looking like it was going to be a good sunset.  I hopped in the car and raced to a nice field I know of not far away.  The sunset wasn’t as nice as I hoped but a nice horse decided to keep me company.


I knew I didn’t have enough time to put on my circ. polarizing filter so my sky became very washed out.. but this gave me the chance to play around with the lighting effects in CS4 that I haven’t really touched before.


PHENOMENAL PHOTOGRAPHY by Mathew Harrison said...

Not to bad Scott

PHENOMENAL PHOTOGRAPHY by Mathew Harrison said...

Do you have CS4 for MAC? If so fancy sending me a copy? lol No Seriously

Scott Axel said...

Sorry Matt.. While Amy uses a Mac.. I've got a Windows Laptop.



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