10/365 Morgan’s Tractor

I love that I have a girl that loves tractors (I mean, how could you not?!)


We have ugly wallpaper in our house here.. it’s this odd salmon’ish color…  it didn’t like the flash.. looks really blah… Today has not been one of my more inspired days…


Toby365 said...

I would be happier if she had a Case IH other than a John Deere

Scott Axel said...

I'll have to look for those the next time I am a the store..

Brennan said...

Is the flash off camera or hotshoe based?

Maybe move it over a bit to the right?

Scott Axel said...

hotshoe. I do have a tripod attachment so I can take it off camera (I just need a cable now).

I think I just really needed to manually set the white balance.. as the colors in our living room are just off a bit...



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