5/365 – Rollercoaster Cake – Happy Birthday Ryan

Today was Ryan’s birthday – Terrie happens to be one of the best cake makers / designers ever.  Here is Ryan and his sister Brenna.



Dirk said...

I see what Brett always goes on about (if it's not 3D assays of course). Is the madeleine also hand made?

As for the foto, did you consider a smaller aperture so you might get both the puppets sharp?

Brennan said...

Woah, January 13th is my birthday too!

We used to make all sorts of fantastic cakes like that too.

Scott Axel said...

Dirk - I did consider it.. but decided to keep the back one a little off the to show depth in the cake as well as keep the focus on the birthday boy

Brennan - your 'cake' looked mighty good too!

Scott Axel said...

LoL @ Dirk.. one day Terrie is just going to have to make Brett a TME themed cake



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