29/365 – Evoluon – Eindhoven, Netherlands

Did a UFO land in the Netherlands?






Dirk said...

what are they doing there these days? it used to host a technology exhibition.

Scott Axel said...

It's closed to the public at the moment.. but.. I think it can be rented out

DJHagels said...

Hi Scott, i saw your article about the Evoluon. You got some pretty nice pictures of that building.

My name is DJHagels and i have a photo stream at Picassa. One the series called : 'Evoluon - Eindhoven'. It may be interesting to you. You can find it by clicking this link: https://picasaweb.google.com/djhagelsdesign/EvoluonEindhoven#

Have a nice day. With kind regards, DJHagels



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