The Alamo and San Antonio, Texas

Sunday started with a trip to the Alamo.  No pictures inside of the grounds though.  There were signs asking for no pictures to be taken .. I followed the request even though most of the people did not.  After hearing so much about the pride that is taken in the Alamo I was a bit shocked to see so many people breaking the rules (No hats, no pictures and no talking on cell phones).  Overall.. It was a very neat place to see.

I arrived about an hour before it opened and got a chance for a picture without any other tourist in it.  Bummer about the lens flare.. maybe later down the road I will edit it out…

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Onto the Riverwalk.. what a cool part of town.  This first picture is of Casa Rio – the first restaurant on the river that had outdoor dining and it’s owner was the first to put gondolas on the water..  it was this idea that sparked what is now the Riverwalk (overheard from a passing tour boat)

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I chose Casa Rio (first picture above) for my lunch.  Best. Tamales.Ever.  3 tamales covered in chili, steak chunks and cheese.  I didn’t even need to eat dinner after this..

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Sarah Dee said...

Wow, looks so peaceful. Although I'm sure it wasn't.

Scott Axel said...

It's incredibly peaceful feeling in the Alamo and its grounds. There are parts are that are more botanical garden feeling in the courtyard then memorial. It just gives the entire place an odd feel to it.



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